Hello everyone and Bright Blessings. I am working on a new short story and below are the details to this fiery hot tale of quirky magic, complicated love, and what kind of madness ensues when you have a High Goddess and a Dragon meddling in your daily affairs! This is will be done very shortly and I will update again when I have it published!
Lucan Drake, Dragon Guardian to Serena, will do anything to protect his appointed ward, she is more precious to him than any jewel in a dragon's hoard, and it is also part of the divine task given to him by the High Goddess,for Serena has a very special path to follow in life. Serena and Tristan,are two star crossed lovers trying to make something tangible work, neither realizing that they were meant to be together from the start, thanks in part to a meddling Dragon and a matchmaking High Goddess, but will they light each other's hearts on fire,or burn each other to cinders? Will Lucan willingly step aside and allow Tristan to have Serena's heart,will he acknowledge that Tristan is worthy of Serena's love, or will he defy the High Goddess and fight Tristan to the death to hold onto his precious treasure?
This blog is dedicated to the author's work in progress book series, and for "darker" subjects related to spells, crafts and witchy musings.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Witch Of Lone Oak Update
Hello everyone and Bright Blessings! I popped in for a New York second to give y'all a update as promised. This morning 42 more pages of The Darkened Path, The Witch Of Lone Oak, have been written and if I keep on it, I shall have it done very soon! I have 4 months worth of scenes to write and it will be ready to publish, but you cannot imagine what can and cannot happen in a very short 16 weeks of time! Lives change, shocking revelations reveal themselves, and eye opening epiphanies rock your foundations to the core, and the Gods,Goddesses, and all of higher Powers will alter your life in ways you do not always foresee, is it a blessing in disiguise, or a tragic situation, truly only They know, and like always, you get exactly what you ask them for..even if sometimes it doesn't turn out quite like you expected or hoped for, trust and have faith, and all will reveal itself in due time!
Since I have started on this new venture of trying to be a Freelance Writer, I have discovered that my original review of the Iwriter company, and their clients, is indeed a fact, as thus far everything that I have submitted to them has been rejected. Sadly, yet more of my work that I have submitted to other clients of different companies has also been declined, that is a bit frustrating and disappointing. However, that does not deter me. I will find my place and someone willing to work with me eventually. I just have to keep plugging away at it! I have many avenues open for Freelance jobs at the moment, and one or two of them will prove profitable. I just have to keep looking, or perhaps one will offer me a proposal in the next couple of weeks? Until then, I have to finish this book, and start on the next one, a Writer's work is never, ever done! I will be back soon when I have more to update, Have a Blessed Week!
Since I have started on this new venture of trying to be a Freelance Writer, I have discovered that my original review of the Iwriter company, and their clients, is indeed a fact, as thus far everything that I have submitted to them has been rejected. Sadly, yet more of my work that I have submitted to other clients of different companies has also been declined, that is a bit frustrating and disappointing. However, that does not deter me. I will find my place and someone willing to work with me eventually. I just have to keep plugging away at it! I have many avenues open for Freelance jobs at the moment, and one or two of them will prove profitable. I just have to keep looking, or perhaps one will offer me a proposal in the next couple of weeks? Until then, I have to finish this book, and start on the next one, a Writer's work is never, ever done! I will be back soon when I have more to update, Have a Blessed Week!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Flooded in Writing Work!
Hello everyone and Bright Blessings! If you all will remember my annoyance with Iwriter a few days ago, well I have a update on that. After i had written them a nice little note, I got a email response not even 24hrs later, from them, telling me to log back into my account. I log back in to Iwriter, and I see that after 3 reviews, I have a 4 star rating with them, even thought my previously written three articles were rejected for unknown reasons by the people I wrote the articles for. Whatever the reason was for my articles being rejected, two clients did not give a valid reason. That is fine, since what I was irate about was being booted off of my account. Now I am back in to Iwriter, and able to work again. somebody over there is eventually going to approve of something I write for them and I will be paid for it!
In the last two days, my applications to Blogmutt, Upwork (Odesk), and Crowd Content, have been accepted and approved, of which I am ecstatic about, because now in addition to my two books to be finished, I have several sources of potential Freelance Writing, Blogging and Publishing jobs, of which to make extra money from. things seem to b looking up rather nicely and I apparently am following the right track towards my dream to writing success, if this was not to be then my applications to all of these places would not have been approved at all to begin with! I will leave you all with this short update, I now have floods of work to be doing! I will return shortly, with a update on book progress, and the progress of what seems to have become my new career as a Freelance Writer and Blogger.
In the last two days, my applications to Blogmutt, Upwork (Odesk), and Crowd Content, have been accepted and approved, of which I am ecstatic about, because now in addition to my two books to be finished, I have several sources of potential Freelance Writing, Blogging and Publishing jobs, of which to make extra money from. things seem to b looking up rather nicely and I apparently am following the right track towards my dream to writing success, if this was not to be then my applications to all of these places would not have been approved at all to begin with! I will leave you all with this short update, I now have floods of work to be doing! I will return shortly, with a update on book progress, and the progress of what seems to have become my new career as a Freelance Writer and Blogger.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Iwriter..is not for "standard" writers.
So here I was, all excited about having a new article writing job, getting to write very small 500 word articles and just maybe getting some decent pay out of it. If you will recall, I just posted about this job earlier in the last post. I logged into my account there, or attempted to, and this little message popped up stating " Your account is blocked due to low ratings" Come again? Excuse me? I write three articles, as a one star rated "standard" writer, and made a very concentrated effort to please some elitist snob, who gave me some kind of crappy little rating, and I am the one that is blocked? I'm not even allowed to get my foot in the door so to speak, and prove that I am definitely not just a "standard" writer? When was I ever a "standard" writer to begin with? Who has the right to even label us writers like that anyway? That's a passive aggressive insult in itself, towards anyone that has ever tried to write for them. To say that I am bit upset right now is a bit of a understatement. It really hurt my feelings and made me feel very rejected, and I do not appreciate being made to feel that way from someone else, that I have ever even met or laid eyes on before.
As a Independently Published Author of two books, in my own right, well being rated lowly based on three tiny 500 word articles is somewhat insulting, especially when I put in a serious effort into writing these according to THEIR specified instruction. I wrote the company a nice little letter awhile ago, stating my disappointment in their company and their clients, and informed them that if these clients of theirs wanted "Elite" work from a "Standard" writer, then perhaps they should write their own articles, instead of putting down everyone else's attempts at doing it for them. I will not be going back to Iwriter .com again, and I am just going to tell you all now, don't hurt yourself in trying to please these people, unless you are a best selling author, or some other type of professional writer, otherwise you will just be "standard" to them, and get yourself blocked from their site without a by your leave, without even being paid for your time ad effort.
Now that I got that disappointment out of the way, I think I will go make a really strong cup of coffee, open up my MS Word files, and write some more on my books. Blessed Be everyone..have a good night.
As a Independently Published Author of two books, in my own right, well being rated lowly based on three tiny 500 word articles is somewhat insulting, especially when I put in a serious effort into writing these according to THEIR specified instruction. I wrote the company a nice little letter awhile ago, stating my disappointment in their company and their clients, and informed them that if these clients of theirs wanted "Elite" work from a "Standard" writer, then perhaps they should write their own articles, instead of putting down everyone else's attempts at doing it for them. I will not be going back to Iwriter .com again, and I am just going to tell you all now, don't hurt yourself in trying to please these people, unless you are a best selling author, or some other type of professional writer, otherwise you will just be "standard" to them, and get yourself blocked from their site without a by your leave, without even being paid for your time ad effort.
Now that I got that disappointment out of the way, I think I will go make a really strong cup of coffee, open up my MS Word files, and write some more on my books. Blessed Be everyone..have a good night.
New Book Started! The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil.
Hello everyone and Bright Blessings! I have come in to update on what I have been working on, This has been one very busy week for me, over the weekend I started a new writing job online, at IWriter.com, which pays you to write articles, e-books, and "rewrites", and right this minute I am still a "standard" writer, you have to have so many approvals and star ratings to earn your way into the higher paying assignments. I suppose it isn't too horrible, the prospect of making $2.43 for every 500 words written and article that is actually approved, is more pay than a royalty payment for a book that is priced at 5.99. Now you know why they call us "starving artists"!
Anyways.. down to my newest book that I just started, and no "The Darkened Path;The Witch Of Lone Oak" is not completed yet, much to my vexation, I have about 100 pages to go for that. I may have less than 100 pages left to finish, that is just a cautious estimate. The writing fairy hit me, and told me to start the 4th book, titled "The Darkened Path Beyond The Veil", which will be a novel detailing various methods of Divination, and other similar subjects, I am a experienced user of divination and it's practices, I am a very Receptive Empath, and the writing fairy hit me hard to start on the 4th book. I literally saw signs pointing to this new book contents, dropped into my lap, as when I started writing the articles for Iwriter, well one of the assignments was for divination articles on Tarot and Horoscopes, and then I logged into my Facebook, and first thing I saw on the top of my news feed was a article on methods of Divination. Now if that is not divine inspiration and pointed direction, well I don't know what is!! As of right now, 18 pages of book #4 are done.
As of now, 115 pages of Witch Of Lone Oak are finished, and I am in the middle of some very difficult scenes that bring about powerful memories and hard emotions, this week I hope to have a lot more done! I know I keep saying that I will have it finished on so and so date and time, I have been telling myself that for months now, but really this one book is becoming like some kind of dreaded chore..it's like I know I have to finish it, but somehow I am lacking the desire to actually sit and work on it longer than a hour or two, for some reason I have lost my passion and drive about writing this one book, and it is probably because I have already been working on it for well close to a year now. There also have been a lot of irritating and catastrophic setbacks with Witch Of Lone Oak, there for awhile I was convinced that the entire file was jinxed, as for months every time I tried to write into it, well something crazy would happen to stall progress or screw up my files. It has been such a long , stalled, dragged out scenario that I have seriously contemplated not even publishing it at all, but I cannot do that, because Witch Of Lon Oak is a vital part of the Darkened Path series and I have to finish it! See? I am stressing and vexing over it..and not even writing in the book itself! I don have the so called "writer's block", more like "writers flop" where my writer's magic for Witch Of Lone Oak has temporarily taken a hiatus, I know exactly what I am writing about, however getting the words down into MS Word has become the issue. Why can't the writing fairy hit me with a blast of power sparkles and get me writing on the book I'm supposed to be finishing? I am going to go for now, I have more work to do, and the Witchy Writer's work is never, ever done! Oh..before I go.. here is the cover art for the newest book..
Anyways.. down to my newest book that I just started, and no "The Darkened Path;The Witch Of Lone Oak" is not completed yet, much to my vexation, I have about 100 pages to go for that. I may have less than 100 pages left to finish, that is just a cautious estimate. The writing fairy hit me, and told me to start the 4th book, titled "The Darkened Path Beyond The Veil", which will be a novel detailing various methods of Divination, and other similar subjects, I am a experienced user of divination and it's practices, I am a very Receptive Empath, and the writing fairy hit me hard to start on the 4th book. I literally saw signs pointing to this new book contents, dropped into my lap, as when I started writing the articles for Iwriter, well one of the assignments was for divination articles on Tarot and Horoscopes, and then I logged into my Facebook, and first thing I saw on the top of my news feed was a article on methods of Divination. Now if that is not divine inspiration and pointed direction, well I don't know what is!! As of right now, 18 pages of book #4 are done.
As of now, 115 pages of Witch Of Lone Oak are finished, and I am in the middle of some very difficult scenes that bring about powerful memories and hard emotions, this week I hope to have a lot more done! I know I keep saying that I will have it finished on so and so date and time, I have been telling myself that for months now, but really this one book is becoming like some kind of dreaded chore..it's like I know I have to finish it, but somehow I am lacking the desire to actually sit and work on it longer than a hour or two, for some reason I have lost my passion and drive about writing this one book, and it is probably because I have already been working on it for well close to a year now. There also have been a lot of irritating and catastrophic setbacks with Witch Of Lone Oak, there for awhile I was convinced that the entire file was jinxed, as for months every time I tried to write into it, well something crazy would happen to stall progress or screw up my files. It has been such a long , stalled, dragged out scenario that I have seriously contemplated not even publishing it at all, but I cannot do that, because Witch Of Lon Oak is a vital part of the Darkened Path series and I have to finish it! See? I am stressing and vexing over it..and not even writing in the book itself! I don have the so called "writer's block", more like "writers flop" where my writer's magic for Witch Of Lone Oak has temporarily taken a hiatus, I know exactly what I am writing about, however getting the words down into MS Word has become the issue. Why can't the writing fairy hit me with a blast of power sparkles and get me writing on the book I'm supposed to be finishing? I am going to go for now, I have more work to do, and the Witchy Writer's work is never, ever done! Oh..before I go.. here is the cover art for the newest book..
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Shades of Darkness Promotion!
Hey everyone and Bright Blessings! To everyone that might be reading this post, I would greatly appreciate a bit of help with the promotion and sales of my newest work "The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness" that very recently debuted on Amazon and Smashwords Publishing. (<---See link to view this book and make a purchase!)
Add a bit of Magic in your life today! Included into my newest work are detailed Spells, Instructions, Recipes and bits and bobs on how to Draw Luck, Love and Money into your life, Briing Back that Wayward Spouse, Missing Friend, and Long Lost Lover, and Reconcile your differences! Draw Better Business and Attract Customers to your shops and place of businesses! Get your Boss and Co-workers to Favor you! Gain Yourself that coveted Job Promotion and Keep Your Current Job! Protect and Cleanse Yourself, Home, and Sacred Space from All Types of Negativity! Banish Your Enemies and Bad Luck for Good and Seal Up Your Problems Indefinitely! All of these come directly from Yours Truly, as I am a actively practicing Witch. Everything I have written in this book has been tested and created by me personally, and every single one of the Spells and Instructions written are guaranteed to work! Learn to create and use your own Spell Powders, Oils, Spell Sachets and Spell Jars, to enrich and enhance your life to it's successfully enchanted potential! If this isn't enough Magic for you..then stay tuned because there is a lot more than this to come! This 100 Page booklet is just the tip of the wand peeking out, and there are more spellbinding novels coming in 2016! I ask Everyone for your help and support for me to share my special brand of magic to the entire world! I shall return very soon, a Witch's work is never done! Brightest Blessings to Everyone!
Add a bit of Magic in your life today! Included into my newest work are detailed Spells, Instructions, Recipes and bits and bobs on how to Draw Luck, Love and Money into your life, Briing Back that Wayward Spouse, Missing Friend, and Long Lost Lover, and Reconcile your differences! Draw Better Business and Attract Customers to your shops and place of businesses! Get your Boss and Co-workers to Favor you! Gain Yourself that coveted Job Promotion and Keep Your Current Job! Protect and Cleanse Yourself, Home, and Sacred Space from All Types of Negativity! Banish Your Enemies and Bad Luck for Good and Seal Up Your Problems Indefinitely! All of these come directly from Yours Truly, as I am a actively practicing Witch. Everything I have written in this book has been tested and created by me personally, and every single one of the Spells and Instructions written are guaranteed to work! Learn to create and use your own Spell Powders, Oils, Spell Sachets and Spell Jars, to enrich and enhance your life to it's successfully enchanted potential! If this isn't enough Magic for you..then stay tuned because there is a lot more than this to come! This 100 Page booklet is just the tip of the wand peeking out, and there are more spellbinding novels coming in 2016! I ask Everyone for your help and support for me to share my special brand of magic to the entire world! I shall return very soon, a Witch's work is never done! Brightest Blessings to Everyone!
Monday, October 19, 2015
The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness Is Published!
Hello everyone and Bright Blessings! I wanted to make the announcement that "The Darkened Path:Shades of Darkness" by S.M. Tillson, is now published to Amazon, and is available in both Kindle and Print versions!! Get your printed copy here --> Print Edition for the read worthy price of $5.50. Alternatively, you can also get the E-book Edition which is $2.99! The E-book edition is also available on Smashwords Publishing, for those of you that use their site and services.
Also, I wanted to announce a price change for "The Darkened Path: The Journey Begins", E-book edition, which is now set at $2.99, this is HALF of the original price! I also changed up the cover for the Kindle version for that book as well, because it matches up well with the newest addition to the Darkened Path series! I will not be changing the Printed version's cover just yet, that takes a bit more editing and tweaking on Cover Creator, so that the cover for the print version can be submitted without errors.
Take a road less traveled into the world of a real life practicing Witch, and learn 100 pages worth of Spells, Formulas, and bits of Wisdom that are guaranteed to add some magical OOMPH to your life! This new installment of The Darkened Path series, goes enchantingly deep into the real life, actually created and cast, Spells and Magical workings that are briefly touched upon in the book "The Darkened Path the Witch Of Lone Oak", (which to date is still a work in progress) I am trying extremely hard to keep the time line in conjunction with each Spell listed in this new book that I just published, so that it all blends together exactly in order. that is a lot harder to do than it sounds! Rest assured that I am working hard and typing frantically to step up the pace and get it finished!
Stay Tuned for more publishing news about The Darkened Path and it's magically gifted author S.M. Tillson! Bright Blessings to everyone and I shall return soon!
Also, I wanted to announce a price change for "The Darkened Path: The Journey Begins", E-book edition, which is now set at $2.99, this is HALF of the original price! I also changed up the cover for the Kindle version for that book as well, because it matches up well with the newest addition to the Darkened Path series! I will not be changing the Printed version's cover just yet, that takes a bit more editing and tweaking on Cover Creator, so that the cover for the print version can be submitted without errors.
Take a road less traveled into the world of a real life practicing Witch, and learn 100 pages worth of Spells, Formulas, and bits of Wisdom that are guaranteed to add some magical OOMPH to your life! This new installment of The Darkened Path series, goes enchantingly deep into the real life, actually created and cast, Spells and Magical workings that are briefly touched upon in the book "The Darkened Path the Witch Of Lone Oak", (which to date is still a work in progress) I am trying extremely hard to keep the time line in conjunction with each Spell listed in this new book that I just published, so that it all blends together exactly in order. that is a lot harder to do than it sounds! Rest assured that I am working hard and typing frantically to step up the pace and get it finished!
Stay Tuned for more publishing news about The Darkened Path and it's magically gifted author S.M. Tillson! Bright Blessings to everyone and I shall return soon!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
"The Darkened Path Shades Of Darkness" IS LIVE TOMORROW
I'm exhausted, my eyes are about to bleed, I'm half asleep and working on the third pot of Starbucks French Roast,..but I am very pleased to announce that FINALLY.. "The Darkened Path Shades Of Darkness", the first companion novella of a brand new series addition to the autobiographical accounts of "The Darkened Path" books..has been finished, and the first novella is in the process of being published to Amazon, right as I sit here typing this post! I now have 100 pages of completely original , one of a kind, Magical Practice, Spells, Instructions, Recipes, and plenty of tidbits, for all of my Pagan readers to check into! These Spells and Recipes and tidbits are touched upon, but not elaborated or fully explained in "The Darkened Path: The Witch Of Lone Oak" because I felt like those needed to be further explained and enhanced in a entirely different way, and presented to the world as a new series project. I am a fully practicing, modern day, real life Witch, and every page that you will read in Shades of Darkness is my very special, one of a kind, very personal spells, recipes, and wisdom that I have accumulated over a good stretch of time. There shall be much more to come from on that end now on!
Also right this minute, "The Darkened Path, The Witch Of Lone Oak" is nearly done too, I have a year's worth of scenes and time frame to write still, and then I am finished! I was just so ridiculously close to finishing the companion novella I wanted to just get it done and get it published, and it was screaming at me to finish and publish it. Yes, 100 pages is kinda skinny when it comes to a book. But I stopped at 100 pages, because I want these novellas to be small but powerful sources of great and invaluable information that get right to the heart of the matter! I hope very much to see Witch Of Lone Oak finished by the end of the month, seeing as the companion novella I just had set up for publishing and file review is also tied intimately into that book too. If progress is made like this past weekend..then yes I will achieved that goal! i'm going to go for now my pets...this witch is ready for a power nap!
Also right this minute, "The Darkened Path, The Witch Of Lone Oak" is nearly done too, I have a year's worth of scenes and time frame to write still, and then I am finished! I was just so ridiculously close to finishing the companion novella I wanted to just get it done and get it published, and it was screaming at me to finish and publish it. Yes, 100 pages is kinda skinny when it comes to a book. But I stopped at 100 pages, because I want these novellas to be small but powerful sources of great and invaluable information that get right to the heart of the matter! I hope very much to see Witch Of Lone Oak finished by the end of the month, seeing as the companion novella I just had set up for publishing and file review is also tied intimately into that book too. If progress is made like this past weekend..then yes I will achieved that goal! i'm going to go for now my pets...this witch is ready for a power nap!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
9-25-2015 A short Update...
Hey y'all I'm back for a bit. I am feverishly writing, and I have gotten to a crossroads in my second book. I am currently writing a very difficult and bitter sweet scenario and situation in Chapter 4 that is filled with a lot of emotional intensity and I am somewhat struggling to get it all on paper properly so I can do it justice. Let me say that love in all of its forms is a wild thrashing behemoth that is very difficult and when it is actually your own life it is doubly hard to actually write into words! I said September was going to be magical and yes it has been so. I am not enthused with Mercury Retrograde throwing a monkey wrench into my publishing deadline that I had set for myself , however..I suppose it is probably again for the best. I do very much hope that all the delays I have had trying to get this book written and published will be well worth the effort and the setbacks and constant struggles will be well rewarded! Great works are not written in a day! I will return soon when I have something greater to write about..just popping in for a update, Blessed Be Everyone!!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
September Is Going To Be Magical!
Hello Everyone and Bright Blessings to All! I got some uplifting news to write about this week! Book 2 is about to be done..and cross your fingers and hope for a side novel to go with it!! I have been burning up the Word program trying to finish this second book, and then I decided to create a companion novel to go along with it. September is going to be magical I can feel it! After these two are published I am taking a break from The Darkened Path works to focus on some other writing projects but rest assured I will definitely return to The Darkened Path, as the story to one's life is never fully complete! Between the two books I currently have 45,163 words written and about 70 pages in one and 80 pages in the other. I will post a picture of the new book cover soon! These two books will be somewhat shorter than The Journey Begins, I am aiming for 120 pages for each one, however it might become a bit more as go along. This is going to be a short post, I have a lot of work to do and minutes are ticking by! Have a great week and I will return soon!
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Journey Begins, Promotional Offer Set For September 2, 2015!!
Hello everyone and Bright Blessings, I came in to update everyone that may be reading this post, to a important announcement concerning The Darkened Path series. Starting September 2, 2015 at midnight and continuing until September 9, 2015, The Darkened Path,The Journey Begins will go on a Kindle Countdown Promotion, and the starting price is set at $0.99 USD ! Don't miss out on your special opportunity to get my first book on September 2-3, 2015 for DIRT CHEAP! Of course after that, the price rises by dollar increments back to the original price of $4.99 There is only going to be ONE promotion done for this book until the Yule holiday so hurry over to Amazon Kindle and do a bit of early Holiday shopping! As always, the Paperback Version is available for a modest price of $9.00, should some of you like a copy to place among your favorite tomes at home.
I have shared this Promotional idea to well over 100K people today, and more to come, as I have been social media jumping as fast as I can go, and copy/pasting links and status updates all over cyber universe. now let's see some sales manifest quite soon shall we??
I am still creeping along on The Witch of Lone Oak, I swear to you this book is taking a ridiculous amount of energy and time to write and I am quite vexed over what feels like a jinx on my ability to finish it! I have started a couple of pages on Book 3, of which the title and cover I have not decided on yet. I am waiting on the designing muse to strike for Book 3. I started Book 3 as a way to get the creative juices flowing and see if that may infuse some positive energy towards getting the second book done. Sometimes you have to focus on another writing project for awhile, to take a break from a stalled project that proves to be exhausting and troublesome. I am looking at what I call "writer's burnout", I am spinning the wheel and not moving at a productive an stimulating pace, which ends up with me frustrated, stressed and feeling mentally frazzled. I have to be in the right mood to actually sit and write, or else it feels like a dreaded chore and I do not enjoy it. I have a lot more free time on my hands since school started back for the kids, so now I can really grab the writing beast by the balls and get with the program! I hope everyone is having a good week, I am going to depart for now and I will be back soon! Don't forget September 2nd!! Mark it on your calendars and remind yourself to go check into Amazon Kindle for your $0.99 copy of the Darkened Path The Journey Begins!!
I have shared this Promotional idea to well over 100K people today, and more to come, as I have been social media jumping as fast as I can go, and copy/pasting links and status updates all over cyber universe. now let's see some sales manifest quite soon shall we??
I am still creeping along on The Witch of Lone Oak, I swear to you this book is taking a ridiculous amount of energy and time to write and I am quite vexed over what feels like a jinx on my ability to finish it! I have started a couple of pages on Book 3, of which the title and cover I have not decided on yet. I am waiting on the designing muse to strike for Book 3. I started Book 3 as a way to get the creative juices flowing and see if that may infuse some positive energy towards getting the second book done. Sometimes you have to focus on another writing project for awhile, to take a break from a stalled project that proves to be exhausting and troublesome. I am looking at what I call "writer's burnout", I am spinning the wheel and not moving at a productive an stimulating pace, which ends up with me frustrated, stressed and feeling mentally frazzled. I have to be in the right mood to actually sit and write, or else it feels like a dreaded chore and I do not enjoy it. I have a lot more free time on my hands since school started back for the kids, so now I can really grab the writing beast by the balls and get with the program! I hope everyone is having a good week, I am going to depart for now and I will be back soon! Don't forget September 2nd!! Mark it on your calendars and remind yourself to go check into Amazon Kindle for your $0.99 copy of the Darkened Path The Journey Begins!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Book Progress Update 8-11-2015
Hi everyone and Bright Blessings! I got a minute to update some of my progress. I am now up to
38, 378 words and tonight I wrote 2,209 words tonight, and I am into the year 2013 time period of the Bio section of my book "The Darkened Path The Witch Of Lone Oak" or "Book 2" for short. I am also busy ripping and editing some of my notes, journals and other materials to add into the chapters and spell sections.. So its copy this old handwritten note or entry into a separate word document page, copy and paste that new transcript section onto a particular page of the book where I need it to go, blend it into the story line so that it fits in like a seamless puzzle piece, type some more to fill in some gaps. Go back, repeat, start again...I have about 40 pages of Spells, Charms, etc. to copy and transcript, and at least a year and a half's worth of journal entries to do.
I swear the more I dig into my notes and other stuff the more hidden gems I find and the question is whether or not to add it in for this book or leave it for the next book. If I take more time and make myself go through every single scrap of it all I am sure I have enough material to have half of the third book written already! The other day I was reading something that I wrote on a piece of paper, it was copied down in regular graphite pencil, and looking pretty faded and I don't even remember writing it at the time! I was sitting there thinking "What was I doing and Where was I when I wrote this down??" Then came another two or three pages to add in while I sat there remembering details and scenery. I will eventually have to copy some of these very old gems of mine onto a word document so the original wording isn't lost or destroyed. I placed the worn looking, slightly faded paper into a clear protector sleeve to preserve the original copy. That is a written memory and a time in my life I cannot get back or go back and replace and there is only just one recorded copy of it for now. After I publish the second book, I will take a wee break from The Darkened Path series to focus on a very special project for a third book. I need some time to pass to percolate material and to amass knowledge to include into the third installment The Darkened Path series.
I have a fantastic idea for the third book, I may get to include a secondary real life character and write their perspective and their "voice" into this third book's story line, but I have to run it by them first and gain their explicit and formal permission to borrow and use their words, thoughts, idea, etc. etc. If I am allowed this very special permission, I promised to include their name into my third book as a contributing author,so that the name can appear on the front cover under mine. Some of you reading this blog post know who this character is I am speaking of, and you know how special this would be for me to have this opportunity!! You have to be very careful when including someone else's words and their character and incorporating their "voice" into your work in a authentic and non fiction storyline, using quotes, thought forms, wording, and descriptions must be accurate and no chopping or editing anything to fit the good parts into a specific scene and leaving out bits and pieces that are crucial to the story. So the third book will be extra painstakingly special!
School for my son has started back so now I am starting my day at 6 am and I usually start the morning half awake with coffee and headache medicine, I walk the boy out the door to school at 7:15, spend the rest of my day trying to keep my younger daughter entertained and the chores done, by 2:45 I am ready for a nap, but I have to go back and pick up my son, come home, start dinner, help with the homework, and make it through the usual afternoon madness until maybe 9:30 pm then it's bedtime for the kids. Then maybe..if I am in the right mood I get into Word and try to type a page or two. for now my lovelies i am going to go..it is 4 am here is the US and this witchy woman needs some beauty sleep! I will be back soon and Blessings to all!
38, 378 words and tonight I wrote 2,209 words tonight, and I am into the year 2013 time period of the Bio section of my book "The Darkened Path The Witch Of Lone Oak" or "Book 2" for short. I am also busy ripping and editing some of my notes, journals and other materials to add into the chapters and spell sections.. So its copy this old handwritten note or entry into a separate word document page, copy and paste that new transcript section onto a particular page of the book where I need it to go, blend it into the story line so that it fits in like a seamless puzzle piece, type some more to fill in some gaps. Go back, repeat, start again...I have about 40 pages of Spells, Charms, etc. to copy and transcript, and at least a year and a half's worth of journal entries to do.
I swear the more I dig into my notes and other stuff the more hidden gems I find and the question is whether or not to add it in for this book or leave it for the next book. If I take more time and make myself go through every single scrap of it all I am sure I have enough material to have half of the third book written already! The other day I was reading something that I wrote on a piece of paper, it was copied down in regular graphite pencil, and looking pretty faded and I don't even remember writing it at the time! I was sitting there thinking "What was I doing and Where was I when I wrote this down??" Then came another two or three pages to add in while I sat there remembering details and scenery. I will eventually have to copy some of these very old gems of mine onto a word document so the original wording isn't lost or destroyed. I placed the worn looking, slightly faded paper into a clear protector sleeve to preserve the original copy. That is a written memory and a time in my life I cannot get back or go back and replace and there is only just one recorded copy of it for now. After I publish the second book, I will take a wee break from The Darkened Path series to focus on a very special project for a third book. I need some time to pass to percolate material and to amass knowledge to include into the third installment The Darkened Path series.
I have a fantastic idea for the third book, I may get to include a secondary real life character and write their perspective and their "voice" into this third book's story line, but I have to run it by them first and gain their explicit and formal permission to borrow and use their words, thoughts, idea, etc. etc. If I am allowed this very special permission, I promised to include their name into my third book as a contributing author,so that the name can appear on the front cover under mine. Some of you reading this blog post know who this character is I am speaking of, and you know how special this would be for me to have this opportunity!! You have to be very careful when including someone else's words and their character and incorporating their "voice" into your work in a authentic and non fiction storyline, using quotes, thought forms, wording, and descriptions must be accurate and no chopping or editing anything to fit the good parts into a specific scene and leaving out bits and pieces that are crucial to the story. So the third book will be extra painstakingly special!
School for my son has started back so now I am starting my day at 6 am and I usually start the morning half awake with coffee and headache medicine, I walk the boy out the door to school at 7:15, spend the rest of my day trying to keep my younger daughter entertained and the chores done, by 2:45 I am ready for a nap, but I have to go back and pick up my son, come home, start dinner, help with the homework, and make it through the usual afternoon madness until maybe 9:30 pm then it's bedtime for the kids. Then maybe..if I am in the right mood I get into Word and try to type a page or two. for now my lovelies i am going to go..it is 4 am here is the US and this witchy woman needs some beauty sleep! I will be back soon and Blessings to all!
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Update for July 26, 2015
Well another month has went by, we are settled into the new apartment and life has resumed somewhat into a schedule, which that is going to shift again when my son goes back to school on August 5th. I uploaded my book files again, and Goddess and God willing nothing happens to it this time!! I am now up to 117 pages and 36,169 words. I finished 6 pages and 1920 words tonight in 3 hours. I edited my cover for the second book again..so here I will upload a picture and see if y'all like it and if you don't you can tell me why or why not. 
If it is too dark or something I would like to know suggestions on how to make it a better image, this was created using KDP Cover Creator and it is not the final book cover yet. I have been playing with book covers for ages now trying to decide what I want to use. I have a surprise for you all.. a bit of a teaser for the second book!! Taken from page 21, chapter 2. This scene was a pivotal and life changing moment for me in ways that will resonate with me forever.

If it is too dark or something I would like to know suggestions on how to make it a better image, this was created using KDP Cover Creator and it is not the final book cover yet. I have been playing with book covers for ages now trying to decide what I want to use. I have a surprise for you all.. a bit of a teaser for the second book!! Taken from page 21, chapter 2. This scene was a pivotal and life changing moment for me in ways that will resonate with me forever.
There was this one day, that I had been having a very bad
depressive episode, I was in my kitchen, brooding to myself that I wished that
something or someone could come into my life and give me a reason and a purpose
to keep going and how it was that my life was very lonely and I felt very alone
and a lot of areas in my life were extremely lacking and unfulfilling.
Right at that second, like he was summoned by some unseen
force to come and answer my brooding request, Chris came to my back door, and
said he was there to fix the hinge that was broken on the screen door. At first I was struck completely dumb silent,
not able to speak or even comprehend what just happened. I was probably standing there like a village
idiot with my mouth dropped open and slightly pale, and staring in silent shock
at the suddenly indescribably beautiful man that the sunlight illuminated in
the shadow of my doorstep. Goddess and God do indeed answer when you need it
the most!"
Chris is a real life person in my life and he plays a very important part in the story and how he changes my life in ways I did not think would ever happen. I guess you'll have to read the book itself to find out why! I have three more years worth of timelines to write in and to finish filling in and editing the second section of Spells, Recipes, and Instruction, and then hopefully I can publish. My original intention of having it all done by July 4th obviously did not happen much to my frustration.
This second book is taking what seems to be forever to get finished and I was not prepared to have to be taking so much time to get it even halfway done. I wrote, and published the first book in 3 straight weeks!! This second installment to the series has been shot full of setbacks, disasters, and general crappy luck as if some low level demonic prankster has decided to hijack my ability to actually finish it! I don't have writer's block or anything keeping the ideas from flowing, and isn't like I don't have a shite ton of material to work with, I just seem to constantly be having trouble with getting the time and the rhythm going in sync to where I can sit down, start typing, and make something happen. It is not like me to start something and then have to put it down and not get it finished and me having to put this off repeatedly is quite annoying because I feel like I am being unproductive. I suppose I shall go now, it is 4:30 am here and i should be asleep instead of sitting here blogging! Bright Blessings everyone!!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Complete Utter Frustration!! 6-23-2015
So I am here again to update.. on the exasperating, jaw grinding frustration I have encountered in the last couple of weeks about getting my book done. I swear Higher Powers played this horrid and cruel act out upon me, perhaps it was in my best interest, however I am not amused. When I finally got all of my stuff moved in and took my computer equipment out of the packing box, plugged it in and was all set to get to work....Windows 7 Home Premium decides it will not load files and the program will not start. I wanted to kick the computer and smack the screen and swear viciously, as I had to go into the Recovery Options and click the button instructing Acer to reset EVERYTHING back to factory default. Thus every single page I had recently written and every file I recently had on my computer since February 2015 was erased as if it never existed. I lost about 5 chapters of work I had done on Book Two. I was up to the 40K word mark. I wanted to cry like a child throwing a huge tantrum and all Gods and Goddess Above knows that I have to be really worked up in a right state to cry over anything. I am sure I am not the only author to have had disastrous mishaps with their work, however I felt very cheated and kicked in the arse that I just had to erase so much work. Perhaps some God or Goddess that rules matters of writing and publishing did not like what I had written and decided to jolt my computer to where I needed to erase it all and start over where I had left off before.
On a brighter note, I have saved on a disc the older version of my books that I had saved from the last time my computer decided to malfunction and be a piece of shite. I just have to reload it into my documents, and start writing again where the last pages are saved, and rewrite everything that I lost until finally I am done and ready to load it into Create Space and Amazon KDP. Maybe I will not jinx myself and carefully and mindfully work extra hard on the "new" version. I have to get this done and there cannot be any more disasters! Perhaps since I changed my residence , the change in atmosphere and surroundings will also inspire more creativity and ideas for my book? Why exactly I have had such a struggle and so many issues getting the second book even halfway finished I honestly cannot tell you! The entire project has had this ridiculously infuriating streak of bad luck and I have had a almost eerie amount of problems and mishaps in just even getting halfway written , let alone published. Perhaps my Word Starter Program needs a actual sage smudging the next time I open it? I need to clear out whatever negative virtual energy that seems to have attached itself and is permeating itself into to the file that says "The Darkened Path Book 2: The Witch of Lone Oak" Right at this minute I am desperate enough to try anything, even to Bless and Cleanse my computer and the specific program and the files I need to work on! I am going to be going for now and I will be back soon , everyone have a good week and Bright Blessings!
On a brighter note, I have saved on a disc the older version of my books that I had saved from the last time my computer decided to malfunction and be a piece of shite. I just have to reload it into my documents, and start writing again where the last pages are saved, and rewrite everything that I lost until finally I am done and ready to load it into Create Space and Amazon KDP. Maybe I will not jinx myself and carefully and mindfully work extra hard on the "new" version. I have to get this done and there cannot be any more disasters! Perhaps since I changed my residence , the change in atmosphere and surroundings will also inspire more creativity and ideas for my book? Why exactly I have had such a struggle and so many issues getting the second book even halfway finished I honestly cannot tell you! The entire project has had this ridiculously infuriating streak of bad luck and I have had a almost eerie amount of problems and mishaps in just even getting halfway written , let alone published. Perhaps my Word Starter Program needs a actual sage smudging the next time I open it? I need to clear out whatever negative virtual energy that seems to have attached itself and is permeating itself into to the file that says "The Darkened Path Book 2: The Witch of Lone Oak" Right at this minute I am desperate enough to try anything, even to Bless and Cleanse my computer and the specific program and the files I need to work on! I am going to be going for now and I will be back soon , everyone have a good week and Bright Blessings!
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
The Witch of Lone Oak update. 6-3-2015
Hello everyone and Bright Blessings. I am updating a short post to tell y'all I have been working hard on The Darkened Path: The Witch Of Lone Oak. Currently, and as of May 31, 2015, I have 46,327 words written, page count is up to 142 on a 6x9 page size scale. I am finally picking up some steam, I am almost finished with the biographical memoir section, maybe about 20- 30 pages left to go there, and then I will be revising and adding into the spells and charms sections that are going to be the second half. I feel the spells and charms section will take a bit longer because there will be ALOT of material that is going to be melded into the rest of the book.There have been a lot of transformational changes in the life of the Witch Of Lone Oak that have came about in the last 4 years so be prepared to see some twists and turns that will propel you deeper into the Darkened Path! After this second book is published I will be taking a short break from the series to work on other projects, and also I am finally moving into my new apartment this coming week after June 8th, and I will be quite busy with that for a few weeks and I will be jumping back into writing again when I get the chaotic energy of moving settled. Have a good week everyone and I will return ASAP!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Some New Cover Art..
I have been messing around with book covers again. These two are for Book 2 and Book 3, I am posting them as links from my Facebook page because for some reason Blogger will not let me load the pictures right. It will say it is uploading and then freeze up and refuse to load the pictures correctly.
This is a sample cover preview of Book 3.. https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkenedPath/photos/a.231571707024108.1073741827.231567070357905/426870587494218/?type=1
And this oen is a sample cover preview of Book 2.. https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkenedPath/photos/a.231571707024108.1073741827.231567070357905/362107423970535/?type=1
I am not positive yet as to whether or not I want to use these two covers, I might tweak or edit them a bit to see if they come out nicer or if something changes in my story lines to where I feel I need to change the cover to resonate with the story. The Darkened Path Book 2 is bieng added to later tonight, as I finally have free time to be writing more into it. I have decided to keep it in line with where the first book left off .. here is a snippet from Book 2, it's an unedited and unrevised section, I have to go through everything and correct mistakes and organize the file itself because it is a jumbled and tangled mess and some of the scenes and scenarios need a bit of trimming, fleshing out, and organized to fit the timeline I have in mind. I have 104 6x9 pages and 34,027 words written so far and I'm nowhere near done. The last 4 years of my life has been a very long transformation, and there is seriously heavy moments and deep emotional transitions and of course the unexpected...
The Goddess and Higher Powers smiled on me, and I was finally allowed to start moving in at the end of July, I had paid the deposit and to have my utilities on, and I now had both of my kids, with me, Jeremy had brought Jasmin two weeks before that, and I was shocked at the changes I saw in him, physically, on the outside, he looked as sick as I felt inside, he was very thin, had huge dark circles in his flat and emotionless eyes, and when I tried to be near him for any reason he shut himself off emotionally and physically and became stiff, silent, and unyielding. No matter what he might have felt or thought inside at seeing us again, he was not going to allow us to know or understand any of it even though to my eyes it was clear as day and I saw through him anyway. Being without us was hurting him and breaking him just as much as it had me, but he forced himself to stay away and never come back, or allow himself to think or feel anything towards us. He was still going to shut us out of his life, go on without us, and leave everything behind no matter what it cost him.
At the end of July 2011, I moved into my new apartment, people all around me that knew me, from distant family members, to people I didn’t even know, were suddenly very giving and generous towards helping to get things for my household that I needed, I felt like something was finally going right after almost a year of life altering hardships. Grandmother was very bitter and angry over the fact I insisted on moving and not being anywhere near the family or any of their problems and issues, I was not going to be a part of it, it was not my life and not my responsibility to deal with, I had more than enough of my own personal hurdles to overcome, and getting myself dragged back into their lives was not going to help me or get me very far. I was determined to rebuild my life into something I could manage on my own , without much help from anyone for any reason, I wanted no personal debts or chains attached to me and they were not going to hold the things they had done for me over my head like a hangman’s noose."
I appreciate any feedback and if anyone has questions or comments don't hesitate to ask or leave your input. I have to go for now I have tons to do as usual. Bright Blessings Everyone I will return soon!
This is a sample cover preview of Book 3.. https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkenedPath/photos/a.231571707024108.1073741827.231567070357905/426870587494218/?type=1
And this oen is a sample cover preview of Book 2.. https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkenedPath/photos/a.231571707024108.1073741827.231567070357905/362107423970535/?type=1
I am not positive yet as to whether or not I want to use these two covers, I might tweak or edit them a bit to see if they come out nicer or if something changes in my story lines to where I feel I need to change the cover to resonate with the story. The Darkened Path Book 2 is bieng added to later tonight, as I finally have free time to be writing more into it. I have decided to keep it in line with where the first book left off .. here is a snippet from Book 2, it's an unedited and unrevised section, I have to go through everything and correct mistakes and organize the file itself because it is a jumbled and tangled mess and some of the scenes and scenarios need a bit of trimming, fleshing out, and organized to fit the timeline I have in mind. I have 104 6x9 pages and 34,027 words written so far and I'm nowhere near done. The last 4 years of my life has been a very long transformation, and there is seriously heavy moments and deep emotional transitions and of course the unexpected...
The Goddess and Higher Powers smiled on me, and I was finally allowed to start moving in at the end of July, I had paid the deposit and to have my utilities on, and I now had both of my kids, with me, Jeremy had brought Jasmin two weeks before that, and I was shocked at the changes I saw in him, physically, on the outside, he looked as sick as I felt inside, he was very thin, had huge dark circles in his flat and emotionless eyes, and when I tried to be near him for any reason he shut himself off emotionally and physically and became stiff, silent, and unyielding. No matter what he might have felt or thought inside at seeing us again, he was not going to allow us to know or understand any of it even though to my eyes it was clear as day and I saw through him anyway. Being without us was hurting him and breaking him just as much as it had me, but he forced himself to stay away and never come back, or allow himself to think or feel anything towards us. He was still going to shut us out of his life, go on without us, and leave everything behind no matter what it cost him.
At the end of July 2011, I moved into my new apartment, people all around me that knew me, from distant family members, to people I didn’t even know, were suddenly very giving and generous towards helping to get things for my household that I needed, I felt like something was finally going right after almost a year of life altering hardships. Grandmother was very bitter and angry over the fact I insisted on moving and not being anywhere near the family or any of their problems and issues, I was not going to be a part of it, it was not my life and not my responsibility to deal with, I had more than enough of my own personal hurdles to overcome, and getting myself dragged back into their lives was not going to help me or get me very far. I was determined to rebuild my life into something I could manage on my own , without much help from anyone for any reason, I wanted no personal debts or chains attached to me and they were not going to hold the things they had done for me over my head like a hangman’s noose."
I appreciate any feedback and if anyone has questions or comments don't hesitate to ask or leave your input. I have to go for now I have tons to do as usual. Bright Blessings Everyone I will return soon!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Get Your E-book copy for $1.99!
Hello everyone and Blessed Be! I am updating to inform you all of a price change and a extended distribution change for The Darkened Path Book 1: The Journey Begins. This title has now been included into KDP Select and Kindle Matchbook. Now you can have your e-book copy for $1.99 if you have a Prime Membership, and if by chance you don't have one yet, then you are missing out on a lot of great deals! As of tomorrow for the USA, and 72 hours from now in several other countries and time zones, the Kindle version price has gone up to $4.99 however that is the exact half of the cost for the print version so you're still getting a nice 50% in savings! Of course, for those who wish to purchase the print version that is available for a cost of $9.00 and you can keep your book on your shelves with your collection of prized tomes forever! While you are busy delving deep into a real life story of the author filled with heart pounding scenes of the first in the series of The Darkened Path , I am also busy writing fervently into the next installment for your enjoyment!
I must confess to my regret, that the writing is going slower than I wish it to be..I am also in the process of trying to find another apartment to relocate to due to unforeseen circumstances in regards to my lease being terminated where I currently live. So right now it is write two or three paragraphs, and then go out and do the 50 other things I have to do, I have to be moved completely out of this apartment by May 30, 2015, so this lifestyle change that is being forced on me is somehat of a setback. Inching along is so not my style, when I start something I have to finish it or it will drive me mad and torture me relentlessly until I get it done. On the bright side this move and the situation surrounding it provides me with a chapter or two to be including in Book 2! You seriously have to see the silver lining in the black clouds and not let disasters impede progress! I am going to be away for a bit, but rest assured I will update as soon as I am able and when time and circumstances allow, until then, Bright Blessings to All!
I must confess to my regret, that the writing is going slower than I wish it to be..I am also in the process of trying to find another apartment to relocate to due to unforeseen circumstances in regards to my lease being terminated where I currently live. So right now it is write two or three paragraphs, and then go out and do the 50 other things I have to do, I have to be moved completely out of this apartment by May 30, 2015, so this lifestyle change that is being forced on me is somehat of a setback. Inching along is so not my style, when I start something I have to finish it or it will drive me mad and torture me relentlessly until I get it done. On the bright side this move and the situation surrounding it provides me with a chapter or two to be including in Book 2! You seriously have to see the silver lining in the black clouds and not let disasters impede progress! I am going to be away for a bit, but rest assured I will update as soon as I am able and when time and circumstances allow, until then, Bright Blessings to All!
Friday, April 17, 2015
Returning to The Darkened Path..
It is with much jubilation that I report some great news, after months of me stressing and tinkering with my aggravting computer, a miracle somehow happened and I have managed to get it restored and back to working like it should be! I spent most of today getting the restoration process initialized and rebooting and the tooth grinding, headache inducing, amount of patience I exercised was well worth it! Now I can begin my travels down The Darkend Path again and resume where I left off with the writing, and I have tons more now to add into it, I have spent the last three months gathering more material and there have been several events happening lately that will definitley be incorporated into the story line! To date I have sold two e-book copies of The Darkened Path Book 1 since December 2014, and I very much hope to see more readers absorbing themselves into my work!
Due to me having to suddenly move and scramble to find another apartment or home by May 30th, writing will be slow because I have 100 other things to be doing and time is scarce. what relieves me the most at the moment is at least now I have a Microsoft Word program again, and I can renew my efforts to finish book 2. I am returning to The Darkened Path series and writing with a fervent fury until it is finished! For now, I encourage my readers to lose themselves into The Darkened Path Book 1:The Journey Begins and embark on a journey of a lifetime!
Due to me having to suddenly move and scramble to find another apartment or home by May 30th, writing will be slow because I have 100 other things to be doing and time is scarce. what relieves me the most at the moment is at least now I have a Microsoft Word program again, and I can renew my efforts to finish book 2. I am returning to The Darkened Path series and writing with a fervent fury until it is finished! For now, I encourage my readers to lose themselves into The Darkened Path Book 1:The Journey Begins and embark on a journey of a lifetime!
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Book 2 dismally delayed!
It is to my jaw grinding frustration that I currently have no functioning computer at home and I have not been able to write, type or anything for what seems to be weeks now!! My home computer has crashed and died and I am scrambling to find another one so I can get back to work! Luckily I managed to save all of my book files and other important documents before my Acer piece of crap finally keeled over! B assured that I m not purposely slacking or sitting on my arse doing nothing, I just need to hurry up and get another functioning computer ASAP!! Bright Blessings to all and I hope I will be back soon and be able to start writing again.
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