Thursday, September 24, 2015

9-25-2015 A short Update...

Hey y'all I'm back for a bit. I am feverishly writing, and I have gotten to a crossroads in my second book. I am currently writing a very difficult and bitter sweet scenario and situation in Chapter 4 that is filled with a lot of emotional intensity and I am somewhat struggling to get it all on paper properly so I can do it justice. Let me say that love in all of its forms is a wild thrashing behemoth that is very difficult and when it is actually your own life it is doubly hard to actually write into words! I said September was going to be magical and yes it has been so. I am not enthused with Mercury Retrograde throwing a monkey wrench into my publishing deadline that I had set for myself , however..I suppose it is probably again for the best. I do very much hope that all the delays I have had trying to get this book written and published will be well worth the effort and the setbacks and constant struggles will be well rewarded!  Great works are not written in a day! I will return soon when I have something greater to write about..just popping in for a update, Blessed Be Everyone!!

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