Sunday, November 15, 2015

New Book Started! The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil.

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings! I have come in to update on what I have been working on, This has been one very busy week for me, over the weekend I started a new writing job online, at, which pays you to write articles, e-books, and "rewrites", and right this minute I am still a "standard" writer, you have to have so many approvals and star ratings to earn your way into the higher paying assignments. I suppose it isn't too horrible, the prospect of making $2.43 for every 500 words written and article that is actually approved, is more pay than a royalty payment for a book that is priced at 5.99. Now you know why they call us "starving artists"!
Anyways.. down to my newest book that I just started, and no "The Darkened Path;The Witch Of Lone Oak" is not completed yet, much to my vexation, I have about 100 pages to go for that. I may have less than 100 pages left to finish, that is just a cautious estimate. The writing fairy hit me, and told me to start the 4th book, titled "The Darkened Path Beyond The Veil", which will be a novel detailing various methods of Divination, and other similar subjects, I am a experienced user of divination and it's practices, I am a very Receptive Empath, and the writing fairy hit me hard to start on the 4th book. I literally saw signs pointing to this new book contents, dropped into my lap, as when I started writing the articles for Iwriter, well one of the assignments was for divination articles on Tarot and Horoscopes, and then I logged into my Facebook, and first thing I saw on the top of my news feed was a article on methods of Divination. Now if that is not divine inspiration and pointed direction, well I don't know what is!!  As of right now, 18 pages of book #4 are done.
 As of now, 115 pages of Witch Of Lone Oak are finished, and I am in the middle of some very difficult scenes  that bring about powerful memories and hard emotions, this week I hope to have a lot more done! I know I keep saying that I will have it finished on so and so date and time, I have been telling myself that for months now, but really this one book is becoming like some kind of dreaded's like I know I have to finish it, but somehow I am lacking the desire to actually sit and work on it longer than a hour or two, for some reason I have lost my passion and drive about writing this one book, and it is probably because I have already been working on it for well close to a year now. There also have been a lot of irritating and catastrophic setbacks with Witch Of Lone Oak, there for awhile I was convinced that the entire file was jinxed, as for months every time I tried to write into it, well something crazy would happen to stall progress or screw up my files. It has been such a long , stalled, dragged out scenario that I have seriously contemplated not even publishing it at all, but I cannot do that, because Witch Of Lon Oak is a vital part of the Darkened Path series and I have to finish it! See? I am stressing and vexing over it..and not even writing in the book itself! I don have the so called "writer's block", more like  "writers flop" where my writer's magic for Witch Of Lone Oak has temporarily taken a hiatus, I know exactly what I am writing about, however getting the words down into MS Word has become the issue. Why can't the writing fairy hit me with a blast of  power sparkles and get me writing on the book I'm supposed to be finishing? I am going to go for now, I have more work to do, and the Witchy Writer's work is never, ever done! Oh..before I go.. here is the cover art for the newest book..


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