Well I finally got my arse back into a writing mood again, after a slump of what to write next and how to end chapter 3, as of right now I have 17,421 words done on book 2, and 60 pages finished now, and tonight I wrote 1,342 more words into chapter 3. Book 2 is becoming a painstaking and frazzling process to write and flesh out, I need at least 3 more chapters and at least 60 more pages before it is even decently presentable to be published. Chapter 3 was written for Hex, jinx, curse and uncrossing ritual work, spellwork and information. I am having to go through literally a shat ton of material from old blogs I have saved, notes, and my personal written spell works, some of which date back over two years ago or longer..
Oh and let me not forget to add in a whole year of my current life to update into the original storyline of "The Darkened Path," series. I have to write out several events and happenings, situations and characters and etc. that have shifted and changed and come and gone like a tornado combined with a sand storm this year. Transformation and change is the theme of my life this year and a hell of a lot has changed and happened for me, in a huge ever evolving scenario of highs and lows and everything n between. I may end up with alot more than 6 chapters. This is going to be a short update..it is now 2:45 am here and I am tired and my eyes are gritty from sitting here so long already. I promise I will be back soon with a better update and Thank you all for being patient with me!!
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