This blog is dedicated to the author's work in progress book series, and for "darker" subjects related to spells, crafts and witchy musings.
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Darkened Path Book One: The Burden, Price Change.
I have dropped the price of the kindle edition to my book, The Darkened Path Book One: The Burden, to the lowered price of $6.99. The printed version's price has gone down to a neat and tidy sum of $9.49 While you all are browsing, feel free to browse my many, many other selections available for purchase and if there might be something missing please let me know so I may add it! Also, Beyond The Veil Spiritual Shoppe has expanded its selections of products to include Jewelry, Candles, Herbs, Oils, Spirit and Ouija boards, Pendulums, Ghost Hunting Accessories, and a few odds and ends of Home Décor! There are three very wonderful necklaces of Santa Muerte, or Holy Death, available in both Sterling Silver and 14k Gold, as well as various charms and amulets, bracelets and other wearable pieces for your spiritual protection needs in a wide range of choices for those whom are of different Practices and Faiths . Samhain is approaching in 10 days, while many of us will be out trolling for candy and goodies, just as many of us, like myself, will be honoring the Pagan New Year with a huge altar set up with homemade goodies and crafts and all of my divination tools laid out for the chance at meeting with some wandering or searching spirits that might decide to come and from beyond the Veil and have a chat with me. Samhain, or Halloween, is the night when the departed and maybe no so "dead" roam the entire world freely without bonds or bindings, the Veil between this world and theirs is nonexistent and occasionally a few not so nice entities and supernatural forces, and the truly undead, such as vampires, werewolves, zombies, and other types of creatures, yes, I'm aware how laughable the idea sounds but whomever said they do not exist have you ever actually encountered one and lived to tell of it, or without possibly not so welcomed consequences if you did manage to survive??? Or perhaps you , my friend, are indeed one of the said types of beings and hiding it very well hmm?? On this one night of the year, and up until November 2nd for the Latin American cultures, the Dead are contacted, honored, welcomed, remembered, revered, and feared. Me? So long as I am not possessed by something evil and violent, or my veins and psychic energy tapped like a wine keg, or converted into a fur bearing howling she wolf , I'm not too overly concerned.. they can come and go as they will with my blessings and good tidings.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Path is getting kinda dark and depressing.....
Well, my new book has thus far made no sales and I'm pretty down over that. Potential customers and retailers are looking and checking things out but no sales thus far. I need at least $100.00 in royalty sales in order to launch distribution and offer sales to other countries and companies. I was somewhat hoping for a foot in the door of the publishing world and a chance to prove my worth a bit. Other things in my life are looking very dark and depressing indeed. My utilities are this close to being shut off, my heat bill is still unpaid, and if this happens I will get evicted from the apartment I am already scraping the pennies to hold onto. It has not been a great two months. I can't afford to move otherwise I would. I had a grand idea and a vision of being successful as a author and publisher, somehow that is not panning out like I hoped. I'm still typing out the other book I'm planning to publish later on. I cannot let one failure keep me from a dream and a vision that I feel will eventually work out for me. I am reaching out and asking for help and support from the online community to help make my dream a reality. Everyone has already seen the links published in prior blog posts about where to find my work. to all my readers, Blessed Be and have a wonderful day.
Friday, October 4, 2013
The Darkeend Path is finally in print!!
I have happy news. My book is finally available in print on Amazon .com! The waiting was making me insane! I am trying very had to get Barnes and Noble to work with me to get it on their site too but they have stricter distribution guidelines. Book can be found on this link--->="" I really hate how I have to post links and such on a page to get it to be seen right!! I am probably never going to learn how to do it right but I guess so long as it does what I want then I suppose that is ok? This book is important to me on a lot of personal levels and I believe it is of vital importance that my readers read and understand it, as it gives a graphic and moving glimpse into the life of yours truly. I encourage everyone to give it a go and turn the pages and see what's really there. This book is my life thus far, written in black and white and it contains scenes and details I have never once in my life came out to anyone with and some of these pages were extremely emotionally difficult to type out on a page, let alone let the entire world see and know about it. It takes guts to take a lid off a shit pot of lies, secrets, and a past that has been "swept under the rug" and purposely hidden away by others for 30 years. I am very sure that if any of my family ever gets ahold of the actual manuscript and actually sees any of it, then I am going to be painted as a black balling ,lying, using, manipulating bitch or whatever they want to throw at me..that is perfectly fine really as the only reason it might piss anyone off is because they don't want the truths and blackened skeletons known about but it is also my life and I am perfectly free to write about and publish as I see fit. I mentioned no direct names except for a few, so it isn't like they are going to be able to say it is really about them anyway. I am not violating anyone's rights to privacy as I mentioned no one's actual names except those whom I had permission to use and I made sure to ask first before I even typed a word about them or their relationship to me. I am going to go now..somehow I am not having the greatest day despite my recent accomplishments, it just feels like one of those days where I cannot find a sense of serenity or contentedness. I feel as if a change is going to come into my life and I am possibly not going to be too pleased about it although I don't yet know what that might be I am sure to find out soon enough. To all my readers, Bright Blessings and Happy Reading!
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