Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Hearts on Fire; Draconia Rising is published!

Hello everyone, and Bright Blessings! I promised I'd write an update soon, and this one is some fantastic news! As of today, "Hearts on Fire; Draconia Rising" is finished and going through the publishing process at Barnes and Noble. I finished it two days ago actually, but my hands and my brain needed a break before I did some editing and published the work. In 772 hours the E-book version will be available to purchase and I will get everyone a link after that. the print version is being worked on, as I have to create a PDF version of my book cover and make sure all of my formattings are correct. After nearly a year of writing this one book, the Hearts on Fire Series is going to take a back seat a bit, while I work on a new "Darkened Path" installment, and begin another personal venture with my husband. We have decided to dip our toes into the Paranormal Investigation field and see where that little journey takes us. Based on how good that goes, I might write a book about that as well...

The synopsis for the newest book is as follows;

"The Second Installment of the Hearts On Fire Series take a wild turn for what may be the worst…

Can Tristan Mckinley step up to the heavy weight of becoming the newly crowned ruler of Draconia? Will Serena learn to love the man he has become? How far will the High Council go, to ensure that all of their carefully laid plans fall into place? Serena and Tristan find themselves in a twisted plot of betrayal, lies and deception involving the very people that were supposed to be their greatest source of aid. The bonds of trust and honor are tested to the limits, as they race against time to discover who is thier ally and who is the enemy.

Anna, the displaced and shamed former High Goddess of Draconia, promised revenge, and she vowed on her life to find the means to wreak havoc on the new king and his entire kingdom. From the depths of the Abyss, will come Tristan and Lucan's greatest and most lethal adversary, whom is bent on the annihlation of Draconia and all within it. The Prophesy of The Scarlet Queen is set to become a reality.

Serena,  now bequeathed the title of Queen of Draconia and Divine Mother. must now take on the challenge of her new role, and learn the tasks of strengthening her magic and her as of yet untapped full potential of her power, as the High Creator bid of her, so that her and Tristan's love can truly blossom into what it was always meant to be. The future of Draconia and of Earth lay in her womb, for she carries the divine seed of a God Incarnate. Will she and Tristan lead Draconia to its greatest rise of power, or will they lose Draconia to the depths of the Abyss?

I have another announcement as well, I have unpublished all of my books and any work of mine off of Amazon. My sales and other stats there have never taken off, and I decided it is time to search for new platforms and publishing opportunities. For now, I will publish my work with B&N and Smashwords, as I am familiar with them.  When you consistently see no results and lack of sales it is time to pull up stakes and move on to something else. Well, for now, my lovelies I have to go, as the witches work is never done. It is 5:25AM, and it's time to start a new day.

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