Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil Is Live!!

Hello Everyone and Brightest Blessings! I came in a minute to share with you the link to my newest book that is Live on Amazon KDP right now!! The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil is available for purchase on Kindle Select for $3.99, go grab your copy of this one of a kind book today!
Right now I am waiting on CreateSpace to finish reviewing the book files, so I can finish the print version, which will be published tomorrow at the latest.  Here is a short excerpt of one of the chapters, for those of you that want to see a little bit of what you will find in my newest creation, there are 6 chapters devoted to the practice and use of Divination techniques, Astral Travel, Empaths, Clairvoyance, Dreams,and much more....

""Chapter 3 Coffee and Tea Leaf Divination""
"Coffee and Teal Leaf divination has been used for centuries, it is simple and fun and the possible array of symbols, numbers and characters that  you will see in your cup are innumerable.  Tea leaf divination is traditionally done using whole leaves instead of the ground, however modern methods  also use the ground leaves as they are more widely available.
You will begin preparing your tea in a plain white tea cup with a wide brim, not a deep and narrow cup,  the cups that are wide at the top and somewhat shallow  are best , they allow you to swirl the grounds effectively. Place one teaspoon of tea leaves or grounds in the cup, pour  boiling hot water in the cup and allow it to steep for  at least 5 minutes, so the tea brew well and most of the grounds and leaves settle to the bottom of the cup..."  
  The short description that is listed on Amazon KDP is as follows:  "What type of Empath are you? Why is there a heart in the bottom of your tea cup? Did that perplexing dream you had last night really become true today? Did you really see a sign of what's to come? Find out the answers to your not so mundane musings,and delve into the hidden meanings of the divine.Open your mind and expand your awareness of everything that is and what will be,and receive crystal clear answers to your deepest questions when you look Beyond The Veil..." 

Friday, April 15, 2016

"The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil" IS FINISHED!!!!

I'm exhausted but accomplished! I am finally finished with my newest book, "The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil"!!!! I just now finished the last 25 pages, bringing the total page count to a decent 110 pages. The  entire word count is 30,270. Tonight I edited, revised, and typed in the last 25 pages and typed a eyeball numbing 7,372 words, as I was very determined to have it at least done, if not published by Sunday.  Now I just have to finish "Hearts On Fire" that book is currently hiding somewhere in plot bunny land, and I have to go and find my meandering muse that seems to be playing hide and seek. Perhaps when I open that word document and scan down the pages, then my muse shall return with a roaring, fire breathing vengeance. For now, it is 1:40 am Saturday, and I seriously have to detach myself from this computer chair and go to bed! I will post a link and etc to the new book the second that I have it available Bright Blessings everyone and I shall return shortly!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Beyond The Veil Update 4-11-2016

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings, I profusely apologize for not updating in weeks! I have been up to my eyes in Avon sales campaigns, and looking for another FT job. Good news came last week, as I was interviewed for a new job, I will get a call from the staffing place when they finish my profile processing and find out when I am supposed to come in for my first day. It's a manufacturing position at one of the nearby industrial parks. Recently I finished 20 pages and wrote 5,862 words into "The Darkened Path: Beyond The Veil" and I have one more chapter to add in and that book is finished! "Hearts On Fire" will be updated as soon as I get the plot bunny hopping again. This new job is going to put a bit of a dent in my writing however I need that 40 hr paycheck every week, so a chunk of time removed from what would be my writing schedule is just going to have to be a small sacrifice. We writers cannot survive on air and a few meager crumbs until that big break comes through. Trident Media still has not contacted me, and another place that I submitted to hasn't bothered to get in touch with me either, so I guess that idea was a flop for now. I have to get going for now, I will update soon when I have more to really report about..have a great week everyone!